Thursday, 31 July 2014

What is new to increase success rate in IVF? Simple scratch could double success of IVF treatment

Researchers have reported that gently scratching the lining of the uterus before IVF treatment shown to increase the clinical pregnancy rate of women undergoing IVF. This procedure is known as endometrial scratching.

 It is thought that scratching the womb lining stimulates growth factors and repairs the mechanism that allow the fertilized egg to embed more easily. Endometrium scratching is a short OPD procedure which hardly takes 15 minutes in clinic and can be carried out by trained nurses using simple equipment already in use.

For more information about IVF procedure, contact us at:
Khokhani Lane, Opp. Ghatkopar Rly. Stn.,
Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai - 400 077
Phone: 022 - 67827000 / 7004 / 7005
Fax: 022 - 6782 7007
Emergency: 9821125519/9821237708

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Irregular cycles and infertility - is it PCOD or poor ovarian reserve?

The most common cause for irregular cycle is PCOD - Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Then again, it could be that the Anovulation is due to poor ovarian reserve - a condition called the Oopause. However, if this is mistakenly diagnosed as PCOD, precious time is wasted and the patient never gets a chance to get the right treatment!

Many infertile women have irregular cycles and they know that the reason for their infertility is related to their irregular cycles. However, many are quite confused as to the relationship. Some naively believe that if the cycles are regularised, their fertility will also automatically improve ! This is why they waste months taking birth control pills, without trying to address the underlying problem !

Today, we know that the commonest cause for irregular cycle is PCOD - polycystic ovarian disease. Unfortunately, many gynecologists blindly diagnose every patients with irregular cycles as having PCOD , without bothering to rule out other possibilities !

Let's look at some basics.

Women who ovulate regularly get regular periods. The reason a woman's periods are irregular is because she does not ovulate. This is called anovulation. While it is true that the commonest cause of anovulation is PCOD, it's equally true that this is not the only cause. A good doctor will do a careful workup to evaluate ovarian reserve, in order to determine what the reason for the anovulation is.

Thus, in some women the reason for the anovulation is poor ovarian reserve - a condition called the oopause. However, if this is mis-diagnosed as PCOD, precious time is wasted and the patient never gets a chance to get the right treatment !

If you have irregular cycles, please insist that your doctor do the following simple medical tests.

Blood tests for the following reproductive hormones - FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), LH (luteinising hormone), PRL (prolactin), AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) on Day 3 of your cycle, (to check the quality of your eggs).

A vaginal ultrasound scan on Day 3, which should check for the following.
a. ovarian volume b. antral follicle count Patients with PCOD typically have a high LH:FSH ratio; a high AMH level; large ovaries; and increased ovarian stroma with many small antral follicles.

Patients with poor ovarian reserve, on the other hand, have a high FSH:LH ratio; low AMH levels; small ovaries and a reduced antral follicle count.

To know more about PCOD, contact us at:

Khokhani Lane, Opp. Ghatkopar Rly. Stn.,
Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai - 400 077
Phone: 022 - 67827000 / 7004 / 7005
Fax: 022 - 6782 7007
Emergency: 9821125519/9821237708

Friday, 11 July 2014

Treating endometriosis in an infertile woman

Often, endometriosis is diagnosed and treated by burning off the lesions during laparoscopy . 

If the woman does not get pregnant after this, she gets a second opinion and repeats the process. Unfortunately, this may continue for a few painful rounds. The sad truth is that endometriosis recurs, no matter how good the surgeon is.

I saw a patient who was at her wit's end. She had already had two laparoscopies for treating endometriosis. Since she was still not pregnant, she had gone to a third gynecologist. He did an ultrasound scan and found that the chocolate cyst had recurred; and was advising her to undergo a third surgery to "fix" the problem.

We find this is a very common tragedy which plays out frequently. The diagnosis of endometriosis is often done by the first doctor, while doing a diagnostic laparoscopy. He "treats" the problem by burning off the lesions, and dividing the adhesions. When the woman does not get pregnant after this, she gets a second opinion from an expert.

This expert often pooh-poohs the surgical skills of the first doctor, and suggests that he needs to do another laparoscopy, in order to do a better job, to fix the problem once and for all ! The patient regrets having allowed the first doctor (who appears to have not been very competent in hindsight !) to do the laparoscopy. She signs up for the second surgery and is now very hopeful.

The doctor does the laparoscopy and "cleans" up everything - and shows her a beautiful video which demonstrates his surgical prowess. He then puts her on medications, and then tells her to "go forth and have babies " in her bedroom ! She is often quite happy for a few months, because her pain has now improved, and her symptoms are much better.
However, when she still does not get pregnant, she goes back to him. Unfortunately, he has lost interest in her problem, because he is primarily a surgeon, and when you have a hammer, all you see are nails. He gives her some more medicines, and tells her to relax, go for a holiday and have more sex.

When this also fails, she goes to a third doctor, who then finds the endometriosis has recurred; and suggests that he needs to do another laparoscopy, where he will compensate for the surgical shortcomings of the earlier surgeon, by using the " newest and latest " third generation laser and robotic equipment, which are available only in his clinic !

The sad truth is that endometriosis recurs, no matter how good the surgeon. We can never cure it - and even our treatment leaves a lot to be desired, because of our limitations ! This is hardly surprising, when you consider that we do not even know what causes this enigmatic disease ! While we are very good at suppressing this medically (with GnRH analogs), this suppression is only temporary.

Even worse, while these medicines are very effective as suppressing the endometriosis , they also suppress normal fertility ( because they stop ovulation). This medical treatment just wastes time and money ; and patients get fed up and lose confidence in doctors and in themselves !

What about laparoscopic surgery for removing the endometriosis ? While this is effective in some selected cases (those patients with open tubes, good ovarian reserve, and anatomic distortion because of adhesions), it's not helpful for the majority. In fact, in some women, unnecessary surgery actually reduces fertility as normal ovarian tissue is also removed along with the wall of the chocolate cyst, thus reducing their ovarian reserve.

Unfortunately, patients believe that once the doctor has made a diagnosis of endometriosis, this disease is the cause of their infertility; and that once this is "treated", their fertility will be restored, and they will be able to get pregnant in their own bedroom. However, this is also a flawed assumption ! Endometriosis is a very common finding, even in fertile women; the endometriosis found on the laparoscopy in an infertile woman may just be a red herring, and not the cause of the infertility. This is why "treating" it may not help at all !

Let's go back to my patient.

" What do I do now , doctor ? I am completely fed up ! How do I manage my pain ? And what about having a baby ?"
I explained to her that she needed to set her priorities. " Which is more important right now ? managing the pain ? or having a baby ? We can't do both together - we need to do this one step at a time !"

" For me, having a baby is my first priority doctor".

" Fine, then let's focus on getting you pregnant. Let's forget about the pain and the endometriosis for now . The reason you are not getting pregnant is because your eggs and sperm are not meeting in your fallopian tubes. We need to get the eggs and sperm to do so; and we need to use assisted reproductive technology in order to do this."

The next step is to check the AMH level, to determine what the ovarian function. For young patients with a normal AMH level, the next step would be 3 cycles of superovulation with IUI treatment. However, for older women; those with low AMH levels; and if the IUI fails, then the best course of action is IVF treatment. After all, we need to find solutions , not waste time looking for problems !

Is there any need to surgically remove the endometriosis prior to doing IVF ? No ! The endometriosis is outside the uterus and will not affect embryo implantation, so it's best left alone.

If there is a chocolate cyst, we can always aspirate (puncture) it under ultrasound guidance, when starting the IVF cycle.
The good news is that an additional bonus with this approach is that once you get pregnant, the endometriosis will also automatically improve !

Friday, 4 July 2014

Self Cervical Cancer Test Campaign

Self Cervical Cancer Test Campaign from 1st to 10th July 2014
CVX Pap Smear - Through “Fine Prep”
The CVX test is a liquid cytology based Pap-Smear collection from the cervix for the early detection of cervical cancer.
The diagnosis & slide preparation is done by advance fine prep method.
It is a simple non-invasive, painless and bloodless test.
What is the difference between Conventional Pap Smear & Pap smear through Fine Prep?
 Pap Smear for cervical cancer detectionConventional Pap smear cancer
Advantages of FinePrep
  •  More accuracy than the conventional “Pap smear”
  •  Increased disease detection
  •  More confident diagnoses
  •  Better sample preparation
  •  Cost effectiveness
We also offer HPV 16/18 pathological analysis by PCR method.

Importance of CVX Test for Urban Women
  •  The burden of Cervical Cancer in India is huge and thus CVX Test becomes an important screening option for every urban women
  •  Shortage of time for the working women, where she is trying to balance herself between work and family, CVX Test allows her to get the test done at her convenience and comfort zone
  •  The lifestyle of the modern working women is such, with the high stress levels and adaptation to the modern lifestyles, the CVX test becomes all the more important
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for around 70% of cervical cancers
Signs and Symptoms
  •  Bleeding that occurs between regular menstrual periods
  •  Bleeding after sexual intercourse, douching or a pelvic exam
  •  Menstrual periods that last longer and are heavier than before
  •  Bleeding after going through menopause
  •  Increased vaginal discharge
  •  Pelvic pain
Risk Factors
  •  Weakened immue system
  •  Several pregnancies
  •  Giving birh at a very young age
  •  Long term use of contraceptive pill
  •  Family history
  • Smoking

    CVX Test Camp for Early Cervical Cancer Detection

    CVX - Pap Smear Test
 Dr Jagdip Shah from Parakh Hospital and Virtus Health Services India Pvt Ltd have organised a special camp for Self Cervical Cancer Testing from 1st July to 10th July 2014 at:
 CVX Test Kit
Parakh Hospital
Khokhani Lane,
Opp. Ghatkopar Rly. Stn.,
Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai - 400 077
Phone: 022 - 67827000 / 7004 / 7005
Fax: 022 - 6782 7007
Contact: Ms Tanmaya (+91 8108301817) 
45/46, Powai Plaza, Ground Floor,
Opp. Pizza Hut, Hiranandani, Powai,
Mumbai - 400 059
Tel: +91 22 25709006 / 25709007
Mobile: +91 9004347070
Email ID: /
Contact: Ms Tanmaya (+91 8108301817)


Test will be FREE for First 100 registrations.

Special Rate for CVX Test for this camp: Rs 250/-

We appeal you to support us by spreading this message to your entire circle so that maximum female patients can take benefits from this camp.

"Since last 30 years of graduation in medicine, I always tried to catch with latest developments in medical science. At the same time genuine and sincere efforts are made to create HEALTHY INDIA by health awareness through regular Medical Camps, public seminars and lectures"

Dr Jagdip Shah, M. D., D.G.O., M.C.P.S.

Know more about Self Cervical CancerTest here