Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Here is a quick way for solving female infertility through Tubal Cannulation Mumbai

Ratio of 1 in 4 women have difficulty getting pregnant due to blockage in fallopian tubes and Tubal cannulation is a procedure to help clear this blockage which is a common cause of female infertility.

Tubal cannulation may be done immediately after a procedure called hysterosalpingography or hysterosalpingogram. During this procedure, dye is first flushed through the catheter to identify and locate a fallopian tube blockage.

The doctor inserts a tube called a catheter that is guided over a wire. Ultrasound or real-time moving X-rays of the fallopian tubes may be used to guide your doctor to the correct area. The blocked area in the fallopian tube is opened up using a balloon on the catheter or with the wire.

Tubal cannulation can be done with or without anesthesia where you are given a mild sedative to relax and the procedure is less invasive than fallopian tube surgery and helps the doctor to better understand why the blockage occurred.

Usually it is an outpatient procedure which does not need a hospital stay and you can likely go home the same day. You can avoid more expensive and invasive surgical procedures.

Who should go for Tubal Cannulation ?

Once the sonography is done if the imaging test clearly shows a blockage in one or both fallopian tubes tubal cannulation is suggested. The cannulation procedure is most successful when the blockage occurs in the part of the tube closest to the womb (uterus), which is called a proximal tubal obstruction. It can be used for mid-tubal blockage also.

Some doctors recommend that women should consider tubal cannulation before having more expensive fertility procedures, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Who should avoid Tubal Cannulation?

Tubal cannulation is not recommended for:
  • Patients having Genital tuberculosis and certain other infections
  • Who have undergone fallopian tube surgery before
  • If there is extensive scarring or damage in the fallopian tubes
  • Severe blockage that is difficult for a catheter to pass through
  • Distal blockage (in an area of the fallopian tube that is the farthest from the uterus)
Tubal cannulation may fail or may not work as well if you have:

  • A blockage in a part of the fallopian tube far away from the uterus
  • Certain blockages in the narrowest part of the fallopian tube, called the isthmus
  • Inflammatory condition of the fallopian tubes
  • Severe tubal disease or scarring
  • Tuberculosis
Risks of Tubal Cannulation

Tubal cannulation should only be done by a doctor who is well-trained in the procedure. Risks include: Failure to restore fallopian tube function or tearing or perforaton of the fallopian tube wall. Chances of a life threatening infection called peritonitis which occurs in the tissue covering the abdominal organs.

What can be expected after Tubal Cannulation

It is important to remember that successfully reopening the fallopian tubes does not always help a woman become pregnant as pregnancy rates depend on the:

  • Specific procedure performed
  • Location of the blockage
  • Cause of the blockage
Tubal cannulation helps restore fertility in many, but not all, women.

Women with severe fallopian tube disease who are not good candidates for tubal cannulation may wish to consider IVF and embryo transfer.

About Fertility First

One of the best infertility treatment clinic in Mumbai India fulfilling the dreams of parenthood. We are accredited by INDIAN SOCIETY OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION and we are the one of the kind to look upon for IVF treatment, Semen Donation, Egg Donation, Male Infertility treatments, Female Infertility Treatments. We are conveniently located in Ghatkopar.

Contact us at:
Parakh Hospital
Khokani Lane, Opp.Ghatkopar Rly. Stn.,
Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai - 400 077
Phone: 022-2515 7000, 01, 02, 03
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